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Should i take motorbike lessons before doing cbt?

Should i take motorbike lessons before doing cbt?

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For many individuals, the allure of riding a motorcycle is undeniable. The freedom of the open road, the thrill of the wind rushing past, and the maneuverability of a two-wheeled machine are just a few reasons why people are drawn to motorcycling. However, before embarking on this exciting journey, the question often arises: Should I take motorbike lessons before undergoing the Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) course? In this article, we will explore the reasons why investing in motorbike lessons before CBT can be a valuable decision for aspiring riders.

Understanding the Basics: CBT Explained

Before delving into the benefits of pre-CBT motorbike lessons, it’s essential to understand the purpose of the Compulsory Basic Training. In many countries, including the United Kingdom, the CBT is a mandatory step for anyone wishing to ride a motorcycle or scooter on public roads. The training is designed to provide new riders with essential skills and knowledge to ensure they can ride safely.

CBT typically includes both theoretical and practical components, covering topics such as road safety, traffic awareness, and basic motorcycle control. Successful completion of the CBT allows individuals to ride on the road with L-plates for up to two years, after which further training or testing may be required.

The Case for Pre-CBT Motorbike Lessons

While the CBT covers the basics, there are compelling reasons why taking motorbike lessons before undergoing the CBT can enhance the overall learning experience and contribute to safer riding habits.

  1. Building Confidence: Motorbike lessons provide a supportive environment for beginners to build confidence on a motorcycle before hitting the road. Confidence is a crucial element in riding, affecting decision-making and overall control of the bike. Pre-CBT lessons allow novice riders to become comfortable with the feel and dynamics of a motorcycle, making the transition to on-road riding during CBT smoother.
  2. Enhancing Riding Skills: Motorbike lessons often focus on specific riding skills beyond the basics covered in CBT. These can include advanced maneuvers, emergency braking, and cornering techniques. By acquiring these skills before CBT, riders are better equipped to handle real-world situations on the road, contributing to their safety and the safety of others.
  3. Individualized Instruction: Motorbike lessons offer a more personalized and individualized learning experience compared to the group setting of CBT. In a one-on-one or small group lesson, an instructor can tailor the instruction to the specific needs and learning pace of the rider. This personalized attention can be invaluable, especially for those who may find certain aspects of riding more challenging.
  4. Understanding Roadcraft: Pre-CBT motorbike lessons often delve deeper into the principles of roadcraft, teaching riders how to anticipate and respond to different road scenarios. This knowledge goes beyond the basics of CBT, providing a more comprehensive understanding of road safety and traffic dynamics.
  5. Familiarity with Motorcycle Controls: Learning to operate the controls of a motorcycle is a fundamental aspect of riding. Motorbike lessons allow riders to become familiar with the intricacies of their chosen motorcycle model, including the clutch, throttle, brakes, and gears. This familiarity can prevent fumbling with controls during CBT, allowing riders to focus on the road and their surroundings.
  6. Time and Cost Efficiency: While motorbike lessons come with a cost, investing in them before CBT can be a more efficient use of time and money in the long run. Riders who enter CBT with a foundation of skills and confidence are likely to require less time during the training, potentially reducing the overall cost of the CBT process.


In the journey to becoming a competent and responsible motorcyclist, the decision to take motorbike lessons before CBT is a strategic one. While CBT provides essential knowledge and skills for riding on public roads, pre-CBT lessons offer a tailored and comprehensive approach to learning, focusing on building confidence, enhancing riding skills, and instilling a deeper understanding of roadcraft.

Ultimately, the goal is not just to pass the CBT but to become a skilled and confident rider who can navigate the challenges of the road safely. By considering motorbike lessons as a precursor to CBT, aspiring riders can set themselves on a path to not only meet the mandatory requirements but also to excel in their journey as motorcyclists.

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